Helping Hands at Pathfinder Church Request for Assistance

Thank you for contacting Pathfinder Church Helping Hands. Please read the overview information below. If you meet the criteria in the overview, be sure to read the instructions and procedures through the link at the bottom of this email before completing the application.

  1. Applications must be complete at time of submission

  2. All supporting documents must be submitted at time of application (emails are acceptable for additional documents but will not be accepted without a completed application)

  3. Applications with incomplete documentation will not be reviewed

  4. All communication will be handled through  Those without email are urged to have the assistance of a friend or relative with email

  5. Phone calls will not be accepted

  6. All assistance will be paid directly to the service provider

  7. Applications will not be reviewed until the balance after pledges and self-pay is less than $500

  8. Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the bill stating the name of the applicant, mailing address, payment address and, if applicable, a court document or letter of extension

  9. All documents must be legible and complete

  10. Applications requiring clarification will be held and the applicant contacted to provide additional information or documentation

  11. If additional information is requested but not provided before the following Wednesday, the application will be closed

  12. Applications that cannot be paid or pledged will remain active for two weeks and the applicant notified by email by Thursdays

  13. Checks will be sent by mail on Fridays, secure online payments may be made if available

  14. Paid applicants will not be eligible to apply again for six months

  15. Failure to provide documentation is the leading reason for applications to be rejected

Be sure to read the more detailed instructions before filling out the form for assistance.

Best of luck and God bless,

Your friends at

Pathfinder Church Helping Hands

Click HERE to review the instructions and procedures for receiving assistance.


Please complete the form below

Helping Hands Application