"A Valentines gift for your Spouse"

Valentines day is right around the corner and I've often gone to great lengths to find the perfect gift for my spouse.  However, it's not easy... You want to make it something that they want.  You want it to be personal.  You want to find something that will be cherished and used for years to come.  You desire to spend time together during this day and come up with the perfect thing to let them know that you really do "LOVE" them.  

Well... Here is a suggestion: 

Take your spouse out for a really nice dinner date on Feb. 14th and buy a little something for them.  Then on Feb. 15th, enjoy our "Marriage 101 workshop, at Pathfinder Church, together.   It really is something that is needed and I am sure that the skills and time that you spend together will be long-lasting and will bless your spouse in many ways.  This half day workshop will allow you to show how much you really care and give you the building blocks needed for a successful marriage.  Together you'll learn how to minimize hurt when conflict occurs and how to resolve it as quickly as possible so that trust can be rebuilt.  You will work together on communication and marital expectations while looking through scripture to gain God's insight. This awesome gift will wet your appetite and it will be a gift that keeps on giving as you and your spouse have opportunity to continue to work through this study together.  

Every marriage needs encouragement, so why not give your mate the ultimate Valentines Day gift this year. 

Marriage 101 Workshop - Feb. 15th at Pathfinder Church - 9am til 12:30pm.  Cost only $20 per couple                                                                  Register by Feb. 2nd :  Send Name, and Phone # to pastordan@pathfinderchurch.com or sign up at the Connect Desk.