A colleague and I were leaving for a seminar out of state. Since where we were meeting there was road construction near his home in Lansing, he sent me directions how to navigate getting to his home. The instructions were from a GPS.
All went well until the GPS instructions included an error. Ever had that experience? The blocked road created two problems; one, I did not know how to get to his house. Fortunately I had the East, West, North and South directions correct, but did not know how to proceed from there. Which directions to go from the blocked road?
As I drove south, I saw First Nazarene Church. Driving into the parking lot brought security and hope. The front door was open. The church secretary was in her office. Great, but not so great. There was a computer and telephone in the office, but no phone book.
Phone books are a seemingly scarce commodity, even in businesses, is my experience. Please give me credit for knowing we have more updated ways to get information.
Now, I had to go back to the car to get an address. Fortunately, I had that info. With this information, the secretary gave directions and I found my friend’s house.
The problem, because of incorrect GPS guidance, I was late to the meeting, 1/2 hour. Even though I knew the Board members, friends of mine, there was little mercy shown. I was late and they were on time. Evidently their GPS gave correct information.
The most important direction we need in this life is the direction to heaven. In our day and time, as in the past, we are told that there are many directions to heaven. If one does not agree with this philosophy one is written off as ignorant, not the best bigoted.
There is only one that has the ability to give all of His creation the direction from earth to heaven. That one is Jesus, the Messiah. The beauty is that the direction He gave is simple, clear and direct. He left us a God inspired map, the Holy Bible.
Since God’s Word is never changing, there is no confusion for directions. People change. Ideas change. Philosophy changes. Life changes. But the direction from earth to heaven does not change. Jesus said it clearly, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He also said that there is a “narrow” way and a “broad” way.
God grant that we will travel “the way” and stay on the “narrow way.” If , heaven will be our destination. May you and your family be blessed with a great Thanksgiving.
Your friend and Associate Pastor,
John Moore