Don’t miss worship on Sunday, 09/11/11. I’m not kidding when I say that you won’t want to miss worship on that Sunday. I can tell you this much. You will both hear and see things that will change the way we face our future together as a church family.
You see in 1958 the group of faithful believers who met in the little white church on the corner of Center and S. Westnedge looked at their future and realized they could not meet the challenge of reaching a growing community for Christ and stay where they were. And so they took the plunge and bought the land at 8740 S Westnedge and built the sanctuary we meet in currently. These men and women of faith are those on whose shoulders we now stand. It must have been very hard for them to leave the building where their children had been baptized, had grown in the faith and even later married. This was also the place where they had said goodbye to loved ones who had gone on to glory. And this was the same church home where they had found the rock upon which they built their lives, Jesus Christ.
Yet they were willing to make a great step of faith. They were willing to leave a place they loved to establish a bigger home so that more could be added to the church family. Their selfless act became a blessing for many (including all of us).
We are at a similar decision point. We are being called by God to take similar faith-filled steps in order to move forward as a relevant church for the 21st century here in our community. In this age of ever advancing technology we can no longer count on the same things that worked before to win people living in our community to Christ.
Make no mistake, we bear and share the same wonderful Good News of new life in Jesus Christ that Christians have proclaimed for over two thousand years. But in each era though the message has remained the same the methods for sharing that message have changed. (ie. What might the apostle Paul have thought of the internet?) Yet these are the avenues of communication in our day.
So I invite you to come and hear what God has in store for our church family as we step boldly into our future together. Be there on Sunday morning 9/11/11 at One Big Sunday beginning with worship at 10AM.