Blog from Pastor Dan

Pastor Greg and I are working together to encourage the congregation to take time to concentrate on the family.  He will be preaching as series called "A FRESH START" which will talk about inner family relationships and remind all of us how to be purposeful in our homes.  This preaching series will culminate with a 1/2 day Family Fuel Conference on Feb.16th.  We encourage everyone to consider attending this opportunity, especially all Grandparents, who along with the parents are key to successful families.  Pastor Greg will be teaching a breakout session at the Conference on "Grand" Parenting, so pick up an information card at the connect desk and invite your neighbors, your friends and your small group members. This Conference is a collaborative effort between 9 churches, 17 community groups and hundreds of Parents and Grandparents.  The Conference will feature nationally-known speaker and author Brandon Hatmaker and is meant to engage parents, mobilize families and ignite people to serve in the communities.  Practical topics will include marriage-building, family finances, taking faith home and praying for prodigals.  You'll need to go to to register.  

Cost is only $20 per person. (If you are connected with Pathfinder church and would like a $10 reimbursement scholarship after you register please e-mail me at and you’ll receive it.) Childcare will be provided here at our church during the conference, so that Mom, Dad and Grandparents can all attend. You’ll find details at

After the Conference, I am suggesting that small groups begin a study titled “It Starts at Home” and is offered through our on-line video curriculum (RightNow Ministries).  With all the divorce and difficulties with kids and our fast paced society I really believe that it's important to take time to Start Fresh again with our families. So get involved and strengthen your family this new year.

Dan Barkholz
Family & Discipleship Director