Experience the PoweR of Prayer


Find Peace!

Pathfinder Church is in a partnering ministry with Kzoo Prayer Center. We have a mission to heal the body of Christ so the body can minister to other bodies. This prayer center exists to meet your need so that you can meet the needs of others. As one body, we strive to...

  • Fall deeper and deeper in love with God as individuals and as a team.

  • Create a diverse team that is in unit and intimacy with each other and with God.

  • Create a hunger for healing within the church and within the community.

  • Seek God. Press in. Increase faith. Increase trust in God.

  • Increase knowledge about God's desire to heal us.

  • Understand and appropriately respond to interference from the enemy for the ministry and those for whom we pray. Discern the difference between spiritual attacks and weakness of the fles.

  • Provide healing to anyone in need.

  • See people come to faith through a healing experience.

  • Teach children to flow in the Holy Spirit and minister in the healing rooms.

Please contact the Kzoo Prayer Center through their website.

Join our team

Our team members are called Ambassadors. No matter how we serve in the ministry, we are committed to listening to your need and listening to God's will for you so that He can meet your needs. It is our hearts' desire to emerse you in the love, peace, and grace of Jesus. 

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, please contact Kzoo Prayer Center through their website!