We are asking everyone within our church family to prayerfully consider making a three year commitment to the Capital Campaign as well as an upfront gift in addition to the commitment.  We want to begin working on this project in the summer of 2018.  We also ask that everyone, whether able to provide monetary support or not, keep the church in your prayers.  

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2Corinthians 9:7



There are several ways to give to the Capital Campaign

  • Growing with God Envelopes – Special envelopes with the Growing with God logo are located in the pews.  Cash or checks can be placed in these envelopes.  Please mark your name and the amount on the outside of the envelope.   No additional designation is needed.


  • Online Giving – an easy and secure option for giving to the Capital Campaign.  Your commitment can be set up as a recurring event. One time gifts can also be set up.  You may give using a checking account or credit card. Please note: Pathfinder pays a 2-4% surcharge when you use credit cards. Click here to GIVE NOW.


  • Giving Envelopes – Cash or checks may be given in regular envelopes during the service or delivered to the church office.  Make sure that your name or envelope number are written legibly on each envelope.  Clearly designate “Capital Campaign” on the envelope.


  • Check or cash – may be given during the service or delivered to the church office.  Clearly write “Capital Campaign” on the check’s memo line, or the envelope in which it is given. 


  •  Non-Cash Gifts –If you wish to gift eligible securities to the Capital Campaign, in order to receive giving credit for the full market value and avoid capital gains, please complete this form, send a copy to your broker to authorize the transfer, and send a copy to the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan as instructed on the form.  Those wishing to donate gifts such as real estate, cars, etc, must work with the Trustees Committee to determine acceptability and valuation.