Young Life International Day of Prayer, Today!

As a church family we have been walking through the book “Circle Maker” and I trust all of you have been finding things to circle in your prayers.  Today, I ask that you circle Young Life.  Today is Young Life’s International Day of Prayer and people all over the globe are praying for Young Life. Here are a few things to help guide your prayers.

We as a Young Life team are praising God that we have 16 faithful high school students coming weekly to Club. This group is a great combination of students from Pathfinder Church, the Bridge, and other kids from the community. These students attend school at Portage Northern, Portage Central, and K-Christian. I ask that you pray that these students would fearlessly proclaim the gospel in their everyday lives and begin to invite more students to come be part of this ministry.

Also, pray for Wyld Life.  Around 15 middle school students have been attending Wyld Life Campaigners, and Club.  Pray also that they may bring the gospel message into their schools and invite their friends to join them in their walk and attend Wyld Life.

Please pray for the kids we haven’t reached. Ask God to begin to mend their hearts so that the message of salvation can reach them, and they let it transform their lives.

I ask for your prayers for me personally. I have been incredibly blessed by Pathfinder and feel enfolded into our church.  There are many things to do weekly to start, maintain, and lead both Wyld Life and Young Life. Pray that I may continue grow personally in my relationship with God amidst the busyness of these programs. I am also incredibly thankful that Pathfinder is paying half my salary, but I need to fundraise an additional $20,000 to be supported as a full time missionary in Portage. Ask God if He is nudging you to help support me. But more importantly, pray that His abundant blessings be poured out so I can get done with fund raising and back to only focusing on students.

Finally, pray for Young Life as an international organization. That students and their parents all over the world would meet Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Thank you for circling Young Life today and I ask that every Monday when we have Club that you would circle Young Life. We as a team are circling and praying BIG things, and we ask you to do the same.

​Jon Norder 
​Youth Director and Young Life Church Partner